Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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TabFrame, ToolTip, Toolbar and Statbar Demonstration
This archive contains a demonstration of four Visual Basic
custom controls :-
1) TabFrame which provides tabbed dialogs.
2) ToolTip which provides MS style tooltips and several other
context sensitive help features such as mouse, menu and
focus tracking events.
3) Toolbar which provides dockable toolbars (just like Word V6,
Excel V5, Access V2 etc).
4) Statbar which provides a flexible and easy to use status bar
which can include up to twenty panes each of which may be
configured to show text, a gauge, keyboard status or date/time
These controls have been designed to work together in order to
enable the implementation of a modern user interface with the minimum
of effort. The features supported have been modelled on those included
in many of the major applications and which are rapidly becoming standard
parts of the Windows user interface.
The files contained in the archive are :-
README.TXT This file
DEMO.MAK Project file for the demonstration
MDIDEMO.FRM Main demonstration form
TABDEMO.FRM TabFrame control demonstration
TIPDEMO.FRM ToolTip control demonstration
TBARDEMO.FRM Toolbar control demonstration
SBARDEMO.FRM Statbar control demonstration
REGISTER.FRM Registration details form
ABOUT.FRM About dialog
GLOBAL.BAS Global stuff for demonstration
TABFRAME.VBX Demonstration version of the TabFrame control
TOOLTIP.VBX Demonstration version of the ToolTip control
TOOLBAR.VBX Demonstration version of the Toolbar control
STATBAR.VBX Demonstration version of the Statbar control
Windows help files for the VBXs are available for download from Compuserve in
lib 15 (VBWIN Controls '95) of the MSBASIC forum - filename GSHLP.ZIP.
The VBXs included in this demonstration are fully functional in the Visual Basic
design environment but cannot be used with EXE files produced by compiling a
Visual Basic program. The full versions are available by registering your copy
as detailed below :-
1) In the SWREG forum on Compuserve.
TabFrame Registration ID 2018, Charge $39.95
ToolTip Registration ID 2275, Charge $29.95
Toolbar Registration ID 3322, Charge $45.00 (includes ToolTip)
Statbar Registration ID 6263, Charge $22.50
Note: Registered users of the ToolTip control can add the Toolbar by
using registration ID 3323, Charge $15.00.
2) By sending a cheque or money order to:
GC Consulting Sevrices Ltd
Fellsgarth House
Derbyshire DE6 1PR
TabFrame ú25.00
ToolTip ú20.00
Toolbar ú30.00 (includes ToolTip)
Statbar ú15.00
Note: Registered users of the ToolTip control can add the Toolbar by
sending a cheque or money order for ú10.00.
Registered users will receive the latest version of the controls by e-mail (if
registered through SWREG) or snail mail and be eligible for product support via
e-mail or the CompuServe MSBASIC forum.
If you have any comments or suggestions concerning these controls please contact
Graham Cockell (CIS 100113,2774) by e-mail or through section 17 (3rd Party
Products) of the CompuServe MSBASIC forum.
If you wish to distribute the demonstration to other people then please include
all the files in this archive.